What is Fintech?
Fintech, a portmanteau of “financial technology”, refers to firms using new technology to compete with traditional financial methods in the delivery of financial services. Artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing, and big data are regarded as the “ABCD” of fintech.
Fintech South Africa Contact Details
Address: 140 WEST ST, 6TH FLOOR GAUTENG Sandton, Gauteng, 2196 South Africa See other locations
Website: www.fintech.co. za
What is fintech in South Africa?
Fintech is transforming business models and increasing innovation in financial services. Innovations include crypto assets, online peer-to-peer platforms, insurtech, alternative digital payment platforms, and even central bank-issued digital currencies.
What are the fintech institutions in South Africa?
To note, key players in the wider fintech space include the South African Reserve Bank, Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA), Payments Association of South Africa (PASA), South African Insurance Association (SAIA), Insurance Institute of South Africa (IISA), Fintech Association of South Africa, The Banking
How many Fintechs are there in South Africa?
At the end of 2020, there were 104, which means we have more than doubled the number of fintech unicorns globally.
Is fintech regulated in South Africa?
South Africa is an African fintech frontrunner, with several recent regulatory developments taking center stage as the country prepares to fully adopt fintech and its various sub-segments. South Africa also has specific compliance and due diligence issues that must be addressed before and during fintech transactions.