DTPS South Africa Contact Details

What is DTPS?

The Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services (formerly known as the Department of Communications) is one of the departments of the South African government.

It is responsible for overseeing the South African communications, telecommunications and broadcasting industries. The political head of the department is the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services. 

DTPS South Africa Contact Details

Contact Details

PostalPrivate Bag X860, Pretoria, 0001
PhysicaliParioli Office Park, 1166 Park Street, Hatfield, Pretoria
Tel012 427 8000

Who is the Minister of DTPS in South Africa?

Minister: Khumbudzo Phophi Silence Ntshavheni , MsPrivate Bag X860, PRETORIA, 0001. Private Bag X921, CAPE TOWN, 8000.

How much do DTPS earn in South Africa?

The average dtp operator salary in South Africa is R 192 000 per year or R 98.46 per hour.

Entry-level positions start at R 145 500 per year, while most experienced workers make up to R 270 000 per year.