Disk Plough Prices In South Africa

What is Disk Plough?

A disc harrow is a harrow whose cutting edges are a row of concave metal discs, which may be scalloped or set at an oblique angle.

It is an agricultural implement that is used to till the soil where crops are to be planted. It is also used to chop up unwanted weeds or crop residue.

Disk Plough Prices In South Africa?

R 29 000

How do you maintain a disc plough?

Keep the proper distance from the disc plough when the disc plough is in working.

Wash the disc plough after work.

Replace the worn-out nuts and bolts.

If the disc plough has to remain unused for a long time then clean it & apply a layer of used oil for rust prevention.

These steps will enhance the life of your Disc Plough.