Courses Offered At Majuba College

Majuba College is one of the leading TVET colleges in South Africa, find all the Courses Offered At Majuba TVET College below;

List of Courses /  Programmes Offered at Majuba TVET College

Artisan Trades Courses


Electro-Mechanician (Millwright)


Instrument Mechanician

Learner Technician Mechanical

Learner Technician Instrumentation

Learner Technician Electrical


Fitter & Turner




Diploma Courses

Business Management

Financial Management

Human Resources Management

Management Assistant

Catering and Hospitality

Civil Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Marketing Management

Engineering and Related Design

In house Courses

ICT : Computers for Beginners

ICT: Advanced Computer

Hospitality & Catering

Fashion Design and Dressmaking

Training for Co-operatives (SMME’s)

Basic Cooking

Fashion Design and Dressmaking

Training for Co-operatives (SMME’s)

Basic Cooking


IT and Computer Science

Finance Economics and Accounting



Office Administration



Civil Engineering & Building Construction

Electrical Infrastructure Construction

Primary Agriculture

Safety in Society

Is Majuba College still open for application?

Applications for 2022 are NOW open at Majuba TVET College!!! Kindly note: Applications are only open for Full-time studies.

Does Majuba offer Nsfas?

Majuba TVET College NSFAS 2022 – See Details Below:

The bursary is administered by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) and is available for persons who wish to or are studying at a public institution of higher education and training (university or TVET college).

How do I apply to Majuba College?

How to Apply | Majuba TVET College Online Application

  1. Step 1: Acquire your application form at the school’s Campus. …
  2. Step 2: Fill in the form with all necessary documentation (Latest Academic Results) that is required of you to support your application.