What is Sponsor Students?
Sponsored Student meansĀ a student whose tuition and fees are being paid, in whole or in part, by a sponsoring agency or business.
Companies That Sponsor Students In South Africa
Blac Inc. Events and Communications
PO Box: Suite 213, Private Bag X10, Musgrave, 4062
Telephone: +27 83 950 4935
Fax: 0865407358
Facebook: @blackinceventsandcommunications
Instagram: @blackincevents
Twitter: @blackincevents
Website: blackincevents.co.za
Disney Africa Media Sales and Partnerships
Address: 16 Fricker Rd, Illovo, Sandton, 2196, South Africa
Telephone: +27 11 772 2514 (Angela Garrad, Illovo, Johannesburg)
Email: Angela.Garrad@disney.com (Angela Garrad, Illovo, Johannesburg)
Facebook: @DisneyinAfrica
Website: www.disney.co.za
Business and Arts South Africa (BASA)
Address: 38 4th Ave, Melville, Johannesburg, 2109, South Africa
Telephone: +27 11 447 2295
Email: info@basa.co.za
Facebook: @BusinessArtsSA
Instagram: @bizart_za
Twitter: @basa_news
Website: basa. co. za