Cattle Feed Prices In South Africa

What is Cattle Feed?

Animal feed is food given to domestic animals, especially livestock, in the course of animal husbandry. There are two basic types: fodder and forage.

Cattle Feed Prices In South Africa?

16 days ago

Lucerne bails (a-grade)

R 135

12 days ago

cow feed with molasses

R 245

Which cow feed is best?

Best Healthy Feed for Beef Cattle

1) Grain Supplement. Grain can get cattle growing quickly and can help cattle get fat.

2) Hay. Hay can provide every important nutrient for cattle, but it has to be picked at the height of its nutrient richness À” that is before it becomes too dry.

3) Pasture and Forage.

4) Concentrates.

How is cattle feed made?

The different powdered raw materials are taken by night in a ribbon and blended for uniform mixing. The vitamins,

minerals, mixer, and molasses are added at this stage and when uniformly mixed, it is extruded to get in pallet form or into the finished product.

The product is then packed in gunny bags.