Business Management At Letaba TVET College

What is Business Management?

Management is the administration of organizations, whether they are a business, nonprofit organizations, or government bodies.

It is the art and science of managing the resources of the business.

Business Management At Letaba TVET College

Duration: 6 months per N-level

Minimum admission requirements:

  • NSC / N3 / Grade 12 for N4
  • N4 for N5
  • N5 for N6

General: Each subject covers a period of six months (January to June or July to November). Four subjects must be taken for each course. Students who passed N4, N5, and N6 will be issued with a certificate in the specific field of study.

Please contact the campus of your choice if admission requirements / subject choices or course packages are not specified as courses/programs might be phased out.

To qualify for a National Diploma, students need to obtain and complete 18 months of relevant practical experience.

Please note: N4 is only offered at Kempton Campuses on a part-time basis.