Bolt Offices In South Africa

Bolt Offices In South Africa


Address: 29 Bond St, Ferndale, Randburg, 2194, South Africa

Phone: +27 11 452 7569

Where are Bolt offices located?

Bolt launch African headquarters in Kenya

Bolt (also known as Taxify) opened the office onĀ Riverside Drive, Nairobi. The African office will be the regional nerve center of the company, whose operations in Africa cuts through seven countries

Is there Bolt in South Africa?

Wherever you are in the City of Gold, from Sandton City to the Neighbourgoods Market at the heart of the CBD, count on Bolt for great rides in minutes.

Does Bolt operate in Johannesburg?

Get a fast, affordable ride in minutes!

Flying from Johannesburg Airport departures or looking for a cheaper alternative to parking at Johannesburg Airport?

How much do Bolt drivers make a day in South Africa?

According to the ARB’s findings, a Bolt ad on Google claims that drivers can make up to R250 a day, which is R7,500 a month. Additional sources indicate that drivers can make between R14,000 and R17,500 a month.

How much does a bolt driver make a week in South Africa?

Global e-hailing service provider Bolt is in hot water with South Africa’s Advertising Regulatory Board after claiming that drivers can earn around R30,000 a month. The transport giant further claimed that drivers can earn aroundĀ R6,000 a week and that there are no monthly fees.

How do I become a bolt driver without a car in South Africa?

To take trips, you need a vehicle. All vehicles in South Africa must pass the Dekra Vehicle Shuttle inspection, please visit your closest branch to complete this. Don’t have a vehicle, No Problem! Indicate this on your submission and we’ll use your data to match you with a Fleet Owner.