Boiler Tube Suppliers In South Africa

What is a Boiler Tube?

A high-pressure water boiler is a type of boiler in which water circulates in tubes heated externally by the fire.

Boiler Tube Suppliers In South Africa

Super Pipe SA (Pty) Ltd is a locally based supplier with an international network operation from which we draw information and support.

Our equipment range includes boiler tubes, economizer tubes, mixers, filters, loading bellows, valves, hopper/silo flow aids, and process monitoring systems.

How long do boiler tubes last?

The frequency of boiler re-tubing depends on many factors, including the type of boiler, the operating conditions, and the water quality.

For most industrial boilers, re-tubing should be scheduled every 5 to 10 years.

What causes boiler tubes to crack?

Boiler tube surfaces face thermal fatigue stress cycles that take place due to soot blowing, slag, or cyclic operation of the steam boiler.

Additionally, thermal cycling can cause cracking of the less lubricated external boiler tube scales, exposing the base to repeated corrosion.

How many types of boiler tubes are there?

There are two major types of tube boilers: water-tube boilers and fire-tube boilers. In water-tube boilers, water circulates inside the tubes and is heated externally by hot gases generated by the furnace.

How do you stop a boiler from leaking?

The temperature changes in the pipes cause lots of expansion and contracting as it heats and cools, which will eventually affect the pipe joints and connections.

If this is the cause of your boiler leak, you will need to tighten up the joints and connections which will stop water leaking out.