Best LTE Packages In South Africa

What is LTE?

LTE stands for Long Term Evolution and is sometimes referred to as 4G LTE. It’s standard for wireless data transmission that allows you to download your favorite music, websites, and video really fast—much faster than you could with the previous technology, 3G. Play video.

Best LTE Packages In South Africa

Below are some of the Best LTE Packages.

1. Afrihost

Afrihost has the best Wi-Fi deals in South Africa. The company partners with other ISPs in SA to provide customers with cheap uncapped Pure Fibre countrywide. You will not be tied to permanent contracts and can cancel your subscription in less than 6 months from the installation date.

2. MTN

MTN has high-quality Wi-Fi that does not limit the monthly data you use. The fixed-LTE internet packages are available on SIM and routers. However, you will pay an extra R100 monthly to use the router.

3. Axxess

Axxess is another leading Wi-Fi service provider in the country. The company does not overprice its services. Uncapped Wi-Fi means no consumption limits, but your gadget will experience slower internet speed once you reach the threshold.


Choose ITNT Wi-Fi anytime you need internet in your home or office. Remember, uncapped accounts have a higher available amount of bandwidth to share among users than capped accounts. Therefore, you still have enough speed when several devices connect to the uncapped Wi-Fi.

5. Vox Telecom

Vox Telecom is your go-to partner for affordable uncapped Wi-Fi deals in 2023. Although one pays more for unlimited Wi-Fi deals than limited plans, the limitless one is more advantageous to a house with several heavy internet consumers.

What is the cheapest uncapped LTE in South Africa?

The cheapest uncapped mobile data package available is Rain’s 19-hours Unlimited off-peak product, which provides uncapped data between 23:00 and 18:00 for R250 per month. Axxess’s MTN Uncapped LTE packages offer speeds of 10Mbps to 100Mbps, with prices ranging from R299 to R749 a month.

Is MTN LTE better than Telkom?

MTN’s score of 27.6 Mbps was 4.7 Mbps (20.7%) faster than what our users on second-placed Vodacom experienced. It was also 2.4 times faster than the average speeds seen by users on Cell C and Telkom’s networks, which are in a statistical tie for third place, with scores of 11.4 and 11.6 Mbps respectively.

What is the fastest LTE speed?

LTE speeds range between 20 Mbps of 3G coverage and 100 Mbps of true 4G. Speeds typically vary depending on the wireless provider and proximity to a cell tower. While it may not be as fast as 5G, LTE performance is adequate for many commercial applications.