Best Bait For Barbel In South Africa

What is Barbel?

Barbels are a group of small carp-like freshwater fish, almost all of the genus Barbus. They are usually found in gravel and rocky-bottomed slow-flowing waters with high dissolved oxygen content.

Best Bait For Barbel In South Africa

The best bait to catch barbel are tilapia, carp, and paper mouth, other baits to use include frogs (platanna), bread, worms, mealies (corn pips), day-old chickens, and meaty baits like braai meat or raw chicken livers.

What is the best bait for catfish in South Africa?

Remember South Africa’s Sharp Tooth Catfish will eat almost any bait and other baits like braai meat, chicken livers, frogs (Common Platanna), rats and day-old chickens work extremely well. This species is extremely aggressive and very strong.

What time of day is best to catch Barbel?

Early mornings or late evenings, into dusk are the best times to catch barbel. You do stand a chance in the middle of the day, but late and early is definitely the most productive time to fish for them.

What is the best barbel bait?

Image result for Best Bait For Barbel In South Africa

Best Baits

Effective baits include luncheon meat, maggots, and sausage. Barbel often lurks in holes during the day, calling for a fine tackle with small baits in order to tempt them out. Worms are generally considered the best bait for barrels.

What Flavours do Barbel like?

Fish-based boilies with krill, crab or crayfish flavouring are great for barbel. Fish one or two on a hair rig and break a few up as feed offerings in a PVA bag.