Best Area For Cattle Farming In South Africa

What is Cattle Farming?

Pastoral farming is aimed at producing livestock, rather than growing crops. Examples include dairy farming, raising beef cattle, and raising sheep for wool. In contrast, arable farming concentrates on crops rather than livestock. Finally, mixed farming incorporates livestock and crops on a single farm.

Best Area For Cattle Farming In South Africa

In South Africa, both beef and dairy cattle are commercially important. Beef herds are most significant in The Eastern Cape and in KwaZulu-Natal, where communal cattle farming is still widely practiced.

Where is the best place to raise cattle?

Highlights and Lowlights:

States such as Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas boast cheap land, an excellent growing climate, and a highly developed infrastructure for farmers and rural residents. Move to the Great Plains, and you’ll be chasing cattle in no time.

What type of land is best for cattle farming?

Soil Types

loamy, bottomland soil will have the potential to produce more grass than shallow soil found along ridges or hilltops.

Where is the best place to farm in South Africa?


The province is home to a significant percentage of South Africa’s small-scale farmers. It has good rainfall, fertile soils, and three different geographic areas: the lowland region along the Indian Ocean plains in the central region, and two mountainous areas—the Drakensberg and the Lebombo mountains.

What are the most profitable cattle in South Africa?

The Nguni

The Nguni is by far the most profitable beef cattle breed in South Africa. Compared with other breeds, it produces meat at a lower unit cost. Ngunis require little supplementary feeding and graze veld efficiently.