A Bachelor of Arts in Communication Design is a liberal arts degree, which is awarded upon completion of the communication design undergraduate program.
Communication (Graphic) Design
Communication designers are creative thinkers and problem solvers who use a range of design methods, processes and techniques to create professional communication designs, such as posters, books, magazines, corporate identity programmes, packaging and web sites, both individually and as members of teams. The Department of Graphic Design offers a Bachelor of Arts in Design specialising in Communication Design. The Department’s facilities include a number of studios and a centrally located computer studio.
Career Opportunities
Graduates will be able to enter a communication design career by working in design studios, marketing consultancies,branding and advertising agencies, and for newspapers, magazines and book publishers as:
— Graphic & communication designer — Art directors
— Typographic designer — Layout artists
— Illustrators — Instructional designer
— Digital designer
In addition, employment can be found as an in-house designer for companies or state-supported institutions, or graduates can choose to freelance or start their own graphic design business.
Admission Requirements — BA Design (Communication Design) At University of Johannesburg (UJ)
— Senior certificate or equivalent qualification with a minimum APS or M-score.
— Submission of a portfolio of creative tasks.
Average Point Score (APS)
A minimum APS of 23 with Mathematics or 24 with Mathematical Literacy is required to apply for the programme.to page 4 of this brochure
Languages | | Maths orMaths Literacy | Life Orientation | Subjects 1, 2 & 3 |
Language of teaching and learning | Other recognised language | | | |
5(60 – 69%) | 4(50 – 59%) | Maths: 3 (40 – 49%)orMaths Lit: 4(50 – 59%) | 4(50 – 59%) | 4 (50 – 59%)4 (50 – 59%)3 (40 – 49%) |
Admission Tasks
You are required to prepare a portfolio of creative tasks in which you compile your response to the tasks outlined.
The portfolio of creative tasks must adhere to the following:
- It is recommended that tasks 1-2 be neatly completed on A2 or A3 Paper
- Your name, telephone number, registered student number and email address must be included.
- Please upload certified copies of your ID and your latest results in the National Senior Certificate examination or equivalent qualification, as well as a certified and signed declaration that the tasks is your own work.
- The Portfolio must include all the set tasks as outlined below, and in addition, you may include examples of your best existing work.
- It is at the discretion of the department to exempt applicants with high marks and strong creative work in Visual Arts, Design and Technology subjects (NSC), from submitting a portfolio of creative tasks.
*Only online submissions will be accepted
· The tasks are constructed to assess your creativity, visual communication skills as well as your technical ability, and presentation, drawing and writing skills
· The tasks must be completed in 16 hours or less.
· Read through the tasks carefully and remember that there are different ways of addressing the tasks.
Task 1: Chair drawing
Set up a wooden chair and place an object that you feel communicates something about your personality on or next to the chair. Produce an accurate drawing in pencil of this set-up on an A2 or A3 paper. The whole chair must be represented, and the drawing must be done free-hand – you may not use a ruler, compass, or any other technical drawing instrument or object to help you do the drawing.
Assessment criteria:
Creativity, visual, communication skills, technical ability, presentation skills, drawing skills, attitude.
Task 2: Lettering
Divide an A2 or A3 piece of paper into a grid consisting of 16 rectangles. Letter the word “mix[1]” differently in each rectangle. A variety of mediums must be used, from the traditional, such as pencil, to the nontraditional, such as tea.
Assessment criteria:
Creativity, visual, communication skills, technical ability, presentation skills, attitude.
Task 3: Comic strip
Create a five-panel comic strip using only pictures showing what you would do if you won the lotto. The drawing can be in any style appropriate to the tone of the story. Any appropriate drawing medium may be selected, such as pencil or pen, on good-quality A3 or A4 paper or board.
Assessment criteria:
Creativity, visual, communication skills, technical ability, presentation skills, attitude.
Task 4: Telling stories
Arrange the following three frames so that they make two completely different stories. Write the basic plot for each story you have made. Assessment criteria: creativity, writing skills, attitude
Task 5: Essay
Write a two-page essay on the following topic: “I think I am creative because…”Assessment criteria: creativity, writing skills, attitude.
Task 6: Visual analysis
Choose any image, for example, a painting, poster, or photograph, and explain in writing what the image depicts. Assessment criteria: writing skills, attitude.
Articulation possibilities
The Graphic Design Department offers a Bachelor of Arts
Honours in Design and a Master’s of Arts in Design.
Assessment criteria:
Creativity, visual communication skills, attitude.
Click here to submit your portfolio NB: Submission of a portfolio must only take place once you have officially applied to the university and have been invited by the faculty to participate in the selection process. Also, please note that your application may be turned down if you failed to comply with any of the requirements or if we find any evidence of plagiarism.
Contact Details
Elda Madjola
Tel: +27 (0)11 559 1117
Email: eldam@uj.ac.za