Average Staff Turnover Rate In South Africa

In 2019, PwC’s Salary and Wage Movement survey reported an overall labour turnover across industries of 11.5%, of which 49.8% was attributed to resignations.

Average Staff Turnover Rate In South Africa

What is a normal staff turnover rate?

These are the sectors with the highest turnover rates in the US today:

SectorAverage Turnover Rate (%)
Fast Food (or QSR)100

What is the average employee turnover rate in 2020?

The national average annual turnover rate was 57.3% in 2020. The number of people who left their job due to quitting, layoffs, discharges, or any other separation increased to 6.2 million people in September 2021.

What is a bad turnover rate?

The average turnover rate for all employment is 3.5 percent.

Industries with higher turnover rates include food service, sales, construction, and arts and entertainment organizations. Turnover in these industries is well above the 3.5 percent rate, going as high as 6.1 percent in arts and entertainment.

What is a bad turnover rate?

The average turnover rate for all employment is 3.5 percent.

Industries with higher turnover rates include food service, sales, construction, and arts and entertainment organizations. Turnover in these industries is well above the 3.5 percent rate, going as high as 6.1 percent in arts and entertainment.