Amazon South Africa Contact Details

What is Amazon?

Amazon is a popular online shopping website where you can buy a wide range of new and second-hand items, from books and music to computers and cars.

Amazon South Africa Contact Details

Couriers – Domestic ShipmentsContact Details Customer Service
SMSAPhone: 92000 9999 (24/7)
AramexPhone: 9200 27447
Saudi PostPhone: 92 000 5700

How do I contact Amazon in South Africa?

You can call us directly at 8008500931 to talk to our team. You can also track your orders and deliveries, return a product, and manage your Prime account by clicking on the helpful resources below.

Does Amazon have offices in South Africa?

The developers behind the R4. The 6-billion multi-purpose River Club complex in Cape Town that will house Amazon’s new headquarters in South Africa has scored another victory against opponents of the development.

How do I contact Amazon South Africa Johannesburg?

Amazon South Africa’s contact number

You can contact its Development Center by phone at 021 467 0101. If not, you can always message them on their website.

Where is Amazon’s headquarters in South Africa?

Image result for Amazon South Africa Contact Details

Cape Town

The developers behind the R4. 6-billion multi-purpose complex in Cape Town set to house Amazon’s new African headquarters scored a major court win on Tuesday.