Amaryllis Bulb For Sale In South Africa

Amaryllis Bulb For Sale In South Africa

What is Amaryllis Bulb?

Amaryllis is a flowering plant that grows out of a bulb. Each bulb grows one to three stems with 4-8 star-shaped funnel flowers each stem ranging in color from white to red or pink. Later long, wide green leaves will appear next to the flower stems.

Amaryllis Bulb For Sale In South Africa

Amaryllis Bulb has different pricein South Africa so visit any Amaryllis Bulb shop to buy yours.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I save my amaryllis bulb for next year?

In order to bloom, amaryllis bulbs must be exposed to temperatures of 50 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit for a minimum of 8 to 10 weeks. This can be accomplished by inducing the plant to go dormant and then storing the dormant bulb at a temperature of 50 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

How do I store my amaryllis bulb?

Store your bulb in a cool, dry, dark place like an unheated but attached garage, your basement, or the crisper of a refrigerator where the temperature ranges between 50 and 55 Fahrenheit for eight to 12 weeks. Do not store amaryllis bulbs in a fridge that has apples inside because this will sterilize the bulbs.

How do you prepare amaryllis bulbs for winter?

Plant the bulb with the base of the bulb 8-inches deep (so the top is about 3-inches deep). Protect over-winter with 2- to 3-inches of mulch. Amaryllis fare best in climates with approximately 9 months of temperatures of 70 F and up and 3 months of less than 60 F. Expect one bloom cycle per year, in late spring.

How do I save bulbs next year?

To Save All Forced Bulbs: Clip off dead blooms, leaving the foliage intact. Set containers in a sunny window indoors, or a bright, but protected spot outside and continue watering as usual. Allow the soil to dry out completely once the leaves have withered and died.

What is the best fertilizer for amaryllis?

Amaryllis fertilizer requirements are not particularly special; pretty much any slow-release or liquid fertilizer that has an N-P-K ratio of 10-10-10. If using a slow-release fertilizer, apply every 3-4 months. When using a liquid fertilizer, feed the plant 2-4 times monthly, either every week or bi-monthly.

Should I cut the leaves off my amaryllis?

You need to keep the leaves on the plant. Through photosynthesis, the leaves will work to recharge the bulb. The plant needs the energy stored in the bulb to produce a new flower next year. If you cut off the leaves, you’re weakening your plant.

Can an amaryllis bulb be reused?

After your amaryllis has rested for 2 to 5 months, you can start again. There’s no rush, so if you have several bulbs you may want to start them at different times. Repot the bulb using fresh growing mix. Water once and move the pot into a bright, 60-65°F room.

How do you get an amaryllis to bloom again?

If you want to try to rebloom your amaryllis, you simply need to allow the bulb to go into a natural dormancy phase. Let it rest for a few weeks, and that will trigger it to bloom again.

Can you leave bulbs in pots?

You can grow virtually any bulb in containers, and you can mix different types of bulbs together, too. In fact, it’s a lot like growing bulbs in the ground. Start with a container with drainage holes so that excess water can escape, and plant your bulbs in the fall.

Why is my amaryllis only growing leaves?

Amaryllis grows leaves but no flowers if you try to get the plant to rebloom too quickly. The bulb needs time to store up nutrients, followed by an essential dormant period.

How often should I water my amaryllis indoors?

Pot your amaryllis in a large enough container using a loose potting mix. Make sure you find a sunny, warm, indoor home for your plant. Water your amaryllis on a regular weekly basis. The soil should remain moist.

Can you leave bulbs in pots over winter?

If your winter is just too severe to risk leaving the bulbs out or you want to use bulbs in a container that can’t be stored in the cold, you have another option. Plant your bulbs in small 6-inch or 8-inch plastic pots and overwinter them under protection outdoors (in a cold frame, for instance) or in a cold garage.