What is Poultry Feed?

Poultry feed is food for farm poultry, including chickens, ducks, geese, and other domestic birds.
Before the twentieth century, poultry was mostly kept on general farms, and foraged for much of their feed, eating insects, grain spilled by cattle and horses, and plants around the farm.
Poultry Feed Prices In South Africa?
The South African Poultry Association (SAPA) reports indicate an average broiler feed price of about R6/kg.
A commercial weight or mass for a live bird could be about 1,90 kg to 2 kg which would slaughter out to a 1,22 kg whole bird at 42 days. This would use about 3,5 kg of feed per bird at a cost of R21.
What is the best feed for poultry?
Wheat usually is one of the best grains for poultry feeding, although a proportion of course grains in some form should always be included in the ration, along with wheat.
Is selling poultry feed profitable in South Africa?
The animal feed business is very lucrative it is just like the foodstuffs business. What you sell cannot be ignored because it caters to animals.
Animal lovers, owners of pets, and those that are into the poultry business on a large scale will always buy from you.
What are the four types of poultry feed?
The Four Types of Chicken Feed
Whole grain feed is composed of cracked grains and other unprocessed ingredients.
Mash is an unprocessed form of feed composed of ground-up grains and other ingredients.
Pellets are the most common form of chicken feed available on the market.
Crumbles are pellets that have been broken up.