CUT Department of Agriculture Admission or entry Requirement
Additional Admission Requirements
A National Diploma in Agricultural Management or an applicable three-year national diploma (classified by SAQA as an M+3 qualification) in Agriculture is a prerequisite for the Advanced Diploma in Agricultural Extension qualification
Additional Admission Requirements
For candidates who matriculated in 2007 or before:
In addition to the general admission requirements, a pass mark in Agricultural Sciences is recommended.
For candidates who completed the NSC in 2008 and thereafter:
In addition to the general admission requirements, a minimum mark of 40% in either Agricultural Sciences or Life Sciences, as well as a minimum mark of 50% in Mathematics, Mathematical Literacy, Economics, Accounting, Geography or Physical Science.
Additional Admission Requirements
For candidates who matriculated in 2007 or before:
National Diploma: Agricultural Management or equivalent qualification.
For candidates who completed the NSC in 2008 and thereafter:
National Diploma: Agricultural Management, or equivalent qualification, with the appropriate instructional offerings.
Please note: A candidate scoring 21 points or less on CUT’s scoring scale will not be admitted. A candidate scoring 22 – 26 points on CUT’s scoring scale must undergo a selection test. A candidate must obtain an achievement level of at least 4(50 – 59%) in Life Orientation in the NSC. Even if a higher mark is achieved in Life Orientation, the value will still only be awarded as 1 on the CUT scoring scale.
A candidate who scores fewer than 22 points on the CUT scoring scale in the July or subsequent NSC examination is considered to be a candidate who does not possess the necessary skills to successfully pursue a course of study at CUT under the prevailing circumstances. Such a candidate will not be admitted to CUT.
A candidate is expected to possess a minimum level of proficiency in English, as this is the LoLT at CUT. A mark of 50% for English as Home Language (vernacular) or First Additional Language is therefore considered to be sufficient, although any sufficient proof of proficiency in the English language will also be taken into consideration. In this regard, see section above and the general language policy of CUT.
A candidate may be expected to attend an interview, undergo a selection test, and/or make a written presentation to the relevant Head of Department. Candidates who have not recently been engaged in study and who apply for admission to postgraduate studies are normally invited for such an interview or are requested to undergo a selection test and/or make a written presentation. No offer of admission to CUT will be made during such an interview or selection opportunity. Any offer of admission to CUT will be in writing, and will be mailed to the candidate.
Applications of foreign candidates are considered in accordance with the same regulations as those applicable to other candidates, provided that the foreign qualifications of such candidates are considered equivalent by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Foreign candidates must complete and submit an application form for international students, and must also meet any and all requirements that may be set for higher education studies in South Africa.
Contact us
Academic Structure and Student Enrolment Services or the relevant department for more information.