Where To Find Corsets In South Africa

Where To Find Corsets In South Africa

What is Corset?

A corset is a support garment commonly worn to hold and train the torso into a desired shape, traditionally a smaller waist or larger bottom, for aesthetic or medical purposes, or support the breasts

Where To Find Corsets In South Africa

The Glass Slipper. By Appointment Only

Address: 68 Rooiels Rd, Sharonlea, Randburg, 2194, South Africa

Phone: +27 66 354 1398

The Corsetiere

Address: S27a The Neighbourhood Square, Club St, Linksfield, Johannesburg, 2007, South Africa

Phone: +27 11 264 0174


Address: Shop 86, Oxford Village, Hillcrest, Durban, 3610, South Africa

Phone: +27 72 132 6460

Lollipop Lingerie

Address: 840 Cura Ave, Equestria, Pretoria, 0184, South Africa

Phone: +27 82 386 1668

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Does corset make your belly smaller?

Contrary to what celebrities say, waist training will not reduce belly fat, make you lose weight, or give you similar results to liposuction. All a waist trainer can do is squeeze your torso for a temporary change in appearance.

Is it healthy to wear a corset?

The bottom line. Waist trainers are not likely to have a dramatic or long-term effect on your figure. If overused or cinched too tightly, they can even cause health problems. The healthiest and most effective way to lose weight and keep it off is through a balanced diet and regular exercise.2

How long should beginners wear corsets?

Starting a waist training regimen

Once you are comfortable, we recommend corseting for eight hours a day or more for the best results. If you start by wearing a corset for one hour a day and then add a half hour each day, you should feel comfortable wearing it all day after a few weeks.

Is wearing a corset a good idea?

It may provide some temporary waist thinning, but it ultimately does not provide a safe, long-term solution to weight or fat loss. Long-term use of waist trainers can lead to organ damage. It can also lead to digestive issues, such as acid reflux.

Is it OK to wear corset at night?

The medical community, such as the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, doesn’t generally support the use of waist trainers for any amount of time, much less at night. Reasons not to wear one while sleeping include: potential impact on acid reflux, hindering proper digestion.

Do corsets hurt?

Corsets are supposed to feel like a tight hug. Any kind of pain either indicates a poor fit or operator error. You shouldn’t feel any back pain if you are using a corset with a realistic waist reduction and that is evenly tightened.

Are corsets better than bras?

In choosing to wear a corset instead of a bra, you can benefit from a more natural boost, without the need to introduce lots of padding or similar. Corsets offer support as well as a boost, for a flattering shape as well as a comfortable fit.

Do corsets damage organs?

Women were often laced so tightly their breathing was restricted leading to faintness. Compressing the abdominal organs could cause poor digestion and over time the back muscles could atrophy. In fact, long term tight lacing led to the rib cage becoming deformed.

Can corsets change your body shape?

When you take a corset off, your midsection is going to revert to its natural shape. Long-term, your figure may change as the result of pairing corseting with a healthy lifestyle like regular exercise, a positive mindset and a nutritious diet. But a corset is not going to transform your body into something it’s not.

What will happen if you wear corset everyday?

If you’re squeezing your midsection — bruising your ribs in the process — to achieve an hourglass figure, something (bad) is happening to your body. According to Hourglass Angel, wearing a corset for eight to 12 hours a day can increase perspiration and heat.

Can you eat with a corset on?

OF COURSE you can eat with your corset on. If you have it laced so tight that you can’t get a bite down, gurrrl, you need to loosen those laces. That said, you may not be able to eat as much in a sitting as you would without your corset on.

Can I wear a corset everyday?

To genuinely reduce your waist, it’s necessary to wear a corset on a fairly regular basis. Daily is ideal, but even a few times a week will affect your waist’s flexibility.