How Much Does It Cost To Renew License Disc In South Africa

What is License Disc?

Licence disc means a disc issued in terms of regulation

How Much Does It Cost To Renew License Disc In South Africa?

The amount for the licence renewal.

A licence disc renewal admin fee of R250 (including VAT) A delivery fee of R99. 99 (including VAT)

Can I renew my license disc at Pick n Pay?

Pick n Pay has launched its new vehicle licence disc renewal service nationally due to massive customer demand.

 The service, which was trialled in early January, will allow customers to renew their licence disc in over 500 Pick n Pay stores.

Can I pay my license disc at Spar?

Some accounts you can pay at SPAR include:

Telkom. SABC TV Licence. Eskom. Multichoice.

What is needed to renew license disc?

What you should do

your identity document.

proof of residential address e.g. utility account.

if you stay at an informal settlement, you must bring a letter with an official date stamp from the ward councillor confirming your residential address.

motor vehicle licence renewal notice (MVL2).

How do I renew my licence disc at the post office?

To renew your car licence at the post office you will need to bring the MVL2 form that is sent to you in the post, a copy of ID and the appropriate fees.

it is advisable to make a copy of your ID before you go otherwise be subject to the 80c photocopy fee charged by the post office.

How long is a licence disc valid for?

Even after waiting all these months for the new disc, going to the licensing department for a reprint of the new disc, prorate fees are payable to extend the expiry date for 12 months.

When should I renew my license disc?

You must renew your motor vehicle licence every year before it expires. If you fail to renew your licence, you will be liable to pay late licensing penalties and arrears.

You get a 21-day grace period if you have not renewed the expired motor vehicle licence.