Visual (Fine) Art At University of Johannesburg‎ (UJ)

The visual arts are art forms that create works that are primarily visual in nature, such as ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, design, crafts, photography, video, film making and architecture

 BA Visual Art (B8BA7Q)

The purpose of the three-year BA (Visual Art) degree is to develop students’ creative, imaginative and critical knowledge, skills and academic research capabilities to practice as artists within the domains of the visual-cultural industries, and/or to engage in postgraduate study in visual art. 

The BA (Visual Art) programme will equip students with a thorough knowledge of visual art practices, discourses, theories and research methodologies. The programme facilitates the creation of meaning through art; research within art history and criticism; contemporary artistic production; civic agency; visual identity; and visual technologies. The programme focuses on creative and critical thinking according to ethical and professional standards, in order to explore experimental, transformative and inter-disciplinary approaches to the making, reception and analysis of art within pan- African and international contexts. In keeping with the University’s focus on promoting African scholarship, the BA (Visual Art) programme addresses the need for academically adept, discipline-sophisticated and civic-minded graduates who are able to respond to the challenges of visual culture in a globalized environment. The programme is accessible to students in the Faculty of Humanities who wish to study Art History and Theory up to level three. In certain circumstances, BA (Visual Art) students may negotiate selected cognate modules offered in the Faculty of Humanities. 

Degree Progression: BA (Visual Art), BA Hons (Visual Art), BA Hons (Art Therapy), MA (Visual Art), PGCE (Art and Design) and PhD.

Career Opportunities

Graduates could work in many areas of the visual art industries, including: Professional artist; Art education and training; Art gallery, museum curating and management; Art criticism and research; Art consulting; Art writing and journalism; Printmaking and print studio management; Aspects of digital photography, video production and editing; Diverse digital and multimedia environments; Visual events management; General and graphic novel illustration; Paper making and paper product design; Community and arts project management.

Admission Requirements — BA (Visual Art) (B8BA7Q)

— Senior certificate or equivalent qualification with the minimum APS or M-score.

— Attendance of an entrance assessment and submission of a portfolio at the assessment.

— Completion of the National Benchmarking Test (NBT) for Academic and Quantitative Literacy (AQL).

Average Point Score (APS)

A minimum APS of 23 with Mathematics or 24 with Mathematical Literacy is required to apply for the programme.

in APSLanguagesMathematics/*
Other requirements
Language of teaching and learningOther recognised languages
Maths Lit
(50 – 59%)
(50 – 59%)
Maths: 3(40 – 49%)Maths Lit: 4(50 – 59%)​Submission of a specified portfolio. 

See “entrance assessment” below

*The requirement for maths or math literacy as a matric subject for international admission to the BA in Visual Art UG degree may be exempt – provided the university entrance requirements and APS score remain intact and such admission is compliant with all UG Degree requirements 

Entrance Assessment

Candidates meeting the minimum requirements (APS or M Score) for the BA (Visual Art) degree, will be invited to an entrance assessment comprising the following:

a) the submission of a portfolio of 6-10 artworks including the two compulsory works, as described on page 32 of the Faculty Brochure, under the heading “portfolio requirements”;

b) an interview (to be advised); and

c) a written component.

BAVA Entrance / Application Portfolio Requirements

For additional information about the Visual Art Department please log onto Alternatively, you can contact the Departmental Secretary, Mrs Elda Majola on