A prosecutor is a legal representative of the prosecution in states with either the common law adversarial system or the civil law inquisitorial system. The prosecution is the legal party responsible for presenting the case in a criminal trial against an individual accused of breaking the law.
Below are salaries earn by a Prosecutor Earn In South Africa
Average Base Salary
R748,063 (ZAR)/yr
Average Hourly Rate
R359.65 (ZAR)/hr
Average Bonus
R50,045 (ZAR)/yr
Compensation Data Based on Experience
The average prosecutor gross salary in South Africa is R748,063 or an equivalent hourly rate of R360. In addition, they earn an average bonus of R50,045. Salary estimates based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous employees in South Africa.
An entry level prosecutor (1-3 years of experience) earns an average salary of R520,413. On the other end, a senior level prosecutor (8+ years of experience) earns an average salary of R941,041.
Salary Potential
Estimated Salary in 2026:
R1,039,429 (ZAR)
5 Year Change:
39 %
Based on our compensation data, the estimated salary potential for Prosecutor will increase 39 % over 5 years.
Salary based on Education
Less Than HS 14%
High School 29%
Associate 0%
Bachelor 36%
Master 7%
Doctorate 14%
How much are prosecutors paid in South Africa?
National Prosecuting Authority Jobs by Salary
Job Title | Range | Average |
Job Title:Prosecutor | Range:R92k – R589k | Average:R313,659 |
Personal Assistant | Range:R75k – R377k (Estimated *) | Average:R197,737 |
Victim Advocate | Range:R115k – R2m (Estimated *) | Average:R709,114 |
Administrative Officer | Range:R157k – R402k (Estimated *) | Average:R266,641 |
How long does it take to become a prosecutor in South Africa?
The programme runs for twelve months, after which the completion thereof enables competent candidates to be appointed at entry-level prosecutorial positions in the NPA. The programme helps to ensure that qualified prosecutors provide additional prosecutorial capacity in the lower courts.
Where do prosecutors work in South Africa?
magistrates’ courts
A public prosecutor is a person who prosecutes accused persons in the magistrates’ courts on behalf of the State. He/she leads evidence by the State witnesses and cross-examines the witnesses of the accused. Approximately 90% of a public prosecutor’s work takes place in court.