The Hawks are South Africa’s Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI) which targets organized crime, economic crime, corruption, and other serious crime referred to it by the President of the South African Police Service (SAPS) set up by the Zuma administration
A hawk is a person who advocates an aggressive or warlike policy, especially in foreign affairs.
Hawks Salary In South Africa
Hawks make R4.1 million drug bust in Durbanville storage facilities
Cybercrimes are on the up, with SA annually losing about R2.2 billion.
What does a policeman earn in South Africa?
SAPS employees work across a range of sectors including ‘administration’, ‘visible policing’, and ‘crime intelligence’, with salaries averaging at R206,000 for the lowest skills level (1-2).
How do you become a hawk in South Africa?
Be a South African citizen by birth.
Be at least 25, but under 40 years of age, of which documentary proof must be furnished.
Complete a health questionnaire, at his or her own cost, which is confirmed by a registered medical practitioner.
Where can I study police in South Africa?
South African Police Services Academy Graaf -Reinet (Eastern Cape) South African Police Services Academy Umtata (Eastern Cape) South African Police Services Academy Chatsworth (Kwazulu-Natal) South African Police Services Academy Ulundi (Kwazulu-Natal).
What is the function of the Hawks in South Africa?
The function of the HAWKS is to prevent, combat, and investigate national priority offenses, in particular serious organized crime, serious commercial crime, and serious corruption.
How do I report someone to the Hawks?
In Mpumalanga you can call 0800 204 098 toll free. In the Northern Cape you can call 018 387 5778 toll free. In the North West you can call 018 391 4000/1/2 toll free. In the Western Cape you can call 021 483 5624 toll free.
How do I join the Hawks SA?
- Applicants should submit a completed application form and send/email/deliver it to:
Membership Secretary
Hawks’ Dining Rights Club
18 Portugal Place
Cambridge CB5 8AF
- Applicants should pass the Proposer Form to their Proposer who will complete it and return it to the Club Office.
- Applications will be acknowledged in writing or email by the Club Office.
- If applicants are not familiar with the Club already they may wish to request a tour of the Club by contacting the Club Office or their Proposer(s).
- In considering a candidate’s application for membership, it is intended that the Membership Sub-Committee (MSC) and the Committee will take into account all factors that would indicate the candidate’s qualifications for membership including:
- The intention and willingness to meet the objects of the Hawks’ DRC, as outlined in the Constitution & Rules for Members.
- The intention to embrace the ethos of the Hawks’ and Hawks’ DRC and to support Cambridge University’s great sportsmen and their achievements.
- The intention to enthusiastically support DRC events both in and outside the Club and make use of the facilities offered by membership of the DRC, thus helping to ensure the continuing success of the Hawks’ Club.
- Applications are welcome at any time and are considered four times a year:
(i) Applications received May/June/July will be processed by the MSC for final consideration by the Committee in September for welcome in October;
(ii) Applications received August/September/October will be processed by the MSC for final consideration by the Committee in November for welcome in December;
(iii) Applications received November/December/January will be processed by the MSC for final consideration by the Committee in February for welcome in March;
(iv) Applications received February/March/April will be processed by the MSC for final consideration by the Committee in May for welcome in June.
The MSC may, at its absolute discretion, request additional information and references from applicants or require them to attend an interview before applications are presented to the Committee.
Election of applicants is solely and without question at the ultimate discretion of the Committee and President.
Applicants will be notified if they have been accepted or not by the Club Office following the meeting of the Committee in the period of application.
A Waiting List is in place for acceptable applicants if quotas have already been met for the period. The Club Office will inform applicants if they have been put on the Waiting List. Applications will be reviewed at subsequent meetings.
Upon successful election to the Club applicants will be informed by the Club Office in writing and asked to pay the joining fee and full annual subscription or part thereof (please see website for details of current subscriptions).
Upon election new members will receive an invitation to their first Club event i.e. new Members’ Drinks, to meet existing DRC members and be officially welcomed to the Club. New Members are welcome to attend existing Club events as soon as election takes place.
New members will receive their Club Tie (Gentlemen) or brooch (Ladies) at a subsequent Club table.
New members are required to abide by the rules of the Club (contained in the Constitution and Rules for Members of the Hawks’ DRC).