Requirement To Study Radiation Therapy In South Africa

What Is Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy or radiotherapy, often abbreviated RT, RTx, or XRT, is a therapy using ionizing radiation, generally provided as part of cancer treatment to control or kill malignant cells and normally delivered by a linear accelerator.

Entry Requirements To Study Radiation Therapy In South Africa

Minimum APS: 27 Mathematics OR. 29 with Mathematical Literacy.

Language of teaching and learning- English: 5 (60%+)

Mathematics : 4 (50%+)

Mathematical Literacy: 6 (70%+)

Physical Sciences: 4 (50%+)

Life Sciences: 5 (60%+)

Additional Subject 1: 4 (50%+)

Additional Subject 2: 4 (50%+)

Schools Offering Radiation Therapy In South Africa

University of Pretoria – Radiation Therapy

UJ – Radiation Therapy

CPUT – Bachelor of Science in Radiation Therapy

What qualifications do you need for radiotherapy?

You can do this by taking an accredited BSc degree in healthcare science (radiotherapy physics).

To work in radiotherapy physics you’ll need:

effective communication skills.

an interest in science and technology, a good academic background and an ability to update and test your knowledge against experience.

How long does it take to become a radiation therapist in South Africa?

Training consists of a 4 year program. There are 2 examinations. Part I includes Anatomy, Radiobiology and Medical Physics, this is written after 6 months of training.

Where can I study radiation therapy in South Africa?

Radiation Therapy from University of Pretoria has grown to be one of the largest health training institutions in the country and boasts an undergraduate student corps of over 6 000.

How many years does it take to study radiation therapy?

Becoming a radiation therapist takes between two and four years to obtain your desired degree. An associates degree takes two years to complete, and a Bachelor of Science in Radiation Therapy takes four years to complete.

How much does it cost to study radiology in South Africa?

A bachelor’s degree in radiography costs about R 229959.74-R 659217.91 or more per year and typically takes two to four years to complete.

What subjects are needed to become a radiologist in South Africa?

Compulsory Subjects

Computer literacy.

Academic literacy.

Information literacy.

Radiographic anatomy.

Radiation physics.


Medical terminology.

Radiographic imaging

Can you become a radiologist without going to med school in South Africa ?

Education and Training

There are two pathways to become a certified Radiologist or Radiology Technician. One involves medical school; the other does not. To enter this field, your minimum educational requirement is an Associate’s Degree and a passing score on state certification exams.