Requirements To Study Chartered Accounting In South Africa

What Is Chartered Accounting

Chartered Accountant is a designation given to an accounting professional who has received certification from a statutory body that he/she is qualified to take care of the matters related accounting and taxation of a business, like file tax returns, audit financial statements and business practices, maintaining records .

Entry Requirements To Study Chartered Accounting In South Africa


This programme is prescribed for candidates who intend becoming Chartered Accountants (SA). The programme focuses on Financial Accounting, AuditingTaxation and Management Accounting.

Graduates of this programme need to complete a BCom Honours degree in Accounting followed by a period of practical training and professional examinations in order to register as Chartered Accountants.

As the highest accountancy qualification in South Africa and also recognized internationally, the title of CA (SA) brings with it a lucrative salary, job security and exciting career prospects. NMMU is well-known for the excellent results which its graduates achieve in the professional qualifying examinations, and for the high employment rate of its graduates.

(Please note that these are the specific programme admission requirements – the university has its own minimum admission requirements.)


Admission Points Score of 38.

Minimum NSC requirements for degree entry must be met.

English, Afrikaans or isiXhosa (home language or first additional language) on at least level 3 (40-49%).

NSC achievement rating of at least 5 (60-69%) for Mathematics.

Applicants with an Admission Points Score between 30 and 37 may be referred to write the Access Assessment Battery before a decision is made on whether or not to admit the applicant to the course.


Matriculation exemption/endorsement.

Mathematics minimum pass mark of HG=E or SG=C.

Learners must score at least 31 points on the university’s SPS rating scale.

Applicants who do not meet the requirements for direct admission, and who have an SPS of 18 or higher, may be referred to write the Access Assessment Battery before a decision is made on whether or not to admit the applicant to the course.

Department of Financial Accounting

The journey towards a CA (SA) professional qualification includes three major steps. These are: (1) obtaining the necessary university qualifications, (2) completing a learnership programme, and (3) completion of two final professional examinations administered by SAICA.

The Open Distance learning model offers you the opportunity to obtain the necessary SAICA-endorsed qualifications through Unisa’s College of Accounting Sciences – even whilst working.  The necessary SAICA-endorsed qualifications are:

Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Financial Accounting (98302); followed by

Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Sciences (98231) (first year of the two-year CTA programme); followed by

Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Accounting Sciences (98255) (serving as the second year of the two-year CTA programme, with direct entry to students qualifying for the one-year CTA programme [refer to].

All five modules linked to this qualification must be completed in one academic year to thereby meet the admission requirements of SAICA’s first professional examination as described below.)

The College of Accounting Sciences also offers a bridging diploma (Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences [98320 – Stream 1 / CTA]) for candidates who have not completed a SAICA-endorsed BCom degree, who wish to enter the CTA programme.

A learnership programme should be completed with a registered training office, and will range between three and five years, depending on academic progress.

The final two steps on your pathway to becoming a CA(SA) are to pass two Qualifying Examinations, namely the Initial Test of Competence (ITC) and the Assessment of Professional Competence (APC). To qualify for entry to the ITC, a candidate must have completed a CTA.

To qualify for entry to the APC, a candidate must have passed the ITC, completed a minimum of 20 months of a registered training contract, and successfully completed a professional programme with a registered provider.



Make sure you get a University Entrance Matric with good marks in Maths and Accounting (these will form the base of your knowledge and, while the actual subject content is not earth shatteringly useful, the logic and process of thinking is vital).

Step 2

Enroll at a university for a degree that is SAICA recognized to write CTA (Certificate in the Theory of Accounting which is also your Honors year). A list of SAICA accredited universities can be found here.

Step 3

Complete your degree and obtain high enough marks to get entrance into CTA – then complete CTA.

Some Training offices allow you to complete your Learnership (Step 4 below) at the same time as you study for your degree and CTA. Should you choose this step, you can do your degree part time with UNISA while you complete your degree.

For your CTA, you can do part time with UNISA or enroll for after-hours with Monash University. If you choose UNISA, you can take classes offered by various institutions such as Graduate Achievers or Edge Business School, among others.

Both the degree and CTA are rather challenging so you have to carefully consider whether you can manage this part time while you work. However, it is attainable if you are willing to put in the extra effort. 

Step 4

Sign up with a Training Office such as RSM in order to start your Learner ship. If you begin your Learner ship at the start of CTA or after CTA you will need to complete a 3 year fixed term Training Contract. This is an employment contract that runs in conjunction with your SAICA (South African Institute of Chartered Accountants) Learner ship.

Step 5

There are 2 board exams. The first one is known as the Initial Test of Competence (ITC). You are eligible to write it in the year after you pass your CTA. Universities prepare you for ITC through CTA. The second exam is the Assessment of Professional Competence (APC). You become eligible after completing 18 months of your training contract.

Step 6

After completing your Learner ship and passing both parts of the board exams you will qualify as a CA(SA) – a registered Chartered Accountant in South Africa.

Schools Offering Course In South Africa

Universities That Offer Chartered Accountant In South Africa
University of Pretoria

 Pretoria, South Africa

Program Title: Accounting Sciences

The Accounting Sciences program offered at the University of Pretoria is a program that is accredited by the SAICA. This is the first stepping stone that forms part of the requirements for training as a chartered accountant. With this program, you can also become a registered accountant and auditor (RAA).

The program will cost about EUR2,772 per year and will run for a period of 3 years. It is a Full-time course, and you are rewarded with a Bachelor’s Degree. 

For more information:

North-West University (NWU) 

Location: Mankoeng, South Africa

Program Title: Chartered Accountancy

The Chartered Accountancy program offered at the North-West University (NWU) is one of the most popular programs in the field of Accountancy. This program is accredited by the SAICA and prepares students to become Chartered Accounts. 

The program costs about EUR392 per year and runs for a period of 3 years. The program is a full-time course and rewards students with a Bachelor’s Degree.

For more information:

Stellenbosch University 

Location: Stellenboschy, South Africa

Program Title: Management Accounting

The Management Accounting program offered at Stellenbosch University is a very good stepping stone that helps students achieve their dream of becoming chartered accountants. A further benefit of this program is that students can also become management accountants or financial managers, or top-level executives at financial institutions. 

The program will cost about EUR2,222  per year, and run for a period of 3 years. It is a Full-time course and rewards students with bachelor’ Degrees.

For more information:

Program Title: BAcc Programme

The Bachelor of Accounting program at Stellenbosch University is another very popular program among students, and it is also a very respected and sought-after undergraduate training program for the field of Accountancy. This is a good springboard to achieve your dream of becoming a chartered accountant. 

The program will cost you EUR2,471 per year and runs for a period of 3 years. The program is a full-time course and is rewarded with a Bachelor’s Degree. 

For More Information:

University of the Western Cape 

Location: Cape Town, South Africa.

Program Title: Accounting

The Department of Accounting from the University of the Western Cape is part of a large and robust Faculty which grooms young men and women to become experts in the field of finance. This program is a very good starting point for a person who wants to become a Chartered Accountant. 

The program costs about EUR 4,074 per year and runs for a period of 4 years. After the completion of studies, students earn Bachelor’s Degrees. It is a Full-time course.

For more information:

What do I need to study to become a chartered accountant in South Africa?

How do I become a CA?

Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Financial Accounting (98302); followed by.

Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Sciences (98231) (first year of the two-year CTA programme); followed by.

What qualifications do I need to become a chartered accountant In South Africa?

How to become a chartered accountant

Pass a series of demanding accredited exams in financial management, auditing, business strategy and taxation, after a minimum of three years training.

Get relevant work experience across a wide range of clients and industries approved by their professional body.

What APS score is needed for chartered accountant In South Africa?


Admission Points Score of 38. Minimum NSC requirements for degree entry must be met. English, Afrikaans or isiXhosa (home language or first additional language) on at least level 3 (40-49%).

How long does it take to become a chartered accountant in South Africa?

If you choose to become a chartered accountant, your career is likely to be stable with strong demand for your skills. Depending on the degree course you choose, it will take you four to five years to complete your degree at a university.

What school subjects are needed to become a chartered accountant In South Africa?

You will need to have the following school subjects in order to study towards a Chartered Accounting qualification:

English (matric level)

Accounting (not required but helpful)

Mathematics/Mathematical Literacy (depending on the institution you apply to)

What do chartered accountants do In South Africa?

A Chartered Accountant (CA(SA)) examines the financial information of individual clients, corporate clients and other institutions.

How much do Chartered Accountant earn per month in South Africa?

The average salary for a Chartered Accountant in SA is R 522 600 gross per year (R 43 550 gross per month), which is 85% higher than the South Africa’s national average salary. Salary Range: a Chartered Accountant (CA) can expect an average starting salary of R 277 683. The highest salaries can exceed R 841 350.

Are Chartered Accountants in demand in South Africa?

Accountants in demand

According to South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA), South Africa is in need of some 22 000 qualified accountants countrywide, with a particular need for specialized accountants, including Chartered Accountants.

Are there unemployed chartered accountants In South Africa?

Generally it takes 2 to 3 month time for a fresher CA to get a good job with handsome remuneration. Even ICAI conducts campus for placement of newly qualified CAs. Unemployed CA is still a myth and you have to be an idiot of highest level to remain unemployed after passing CA final exams.