BA Information Design At University of Pretoria, UP

Programme Code


Closing Dates

  • SA – 31/07
  • Non-SA – 31/07

Admission Requirements

Important information for all prospective students for 2022

  • The admission requirements apply to students who apply for admission to the University of Pretoria with a National Senior Certificate (NSC) and Independent Examination Board (IEB) qualifications.
  • Applicants with qualifications other than the abovementioned should refer to:
    • Brochure: Undergraduate Programme Information 2022: Qualifications other than the NSC and IEB, available at click here.
  • Citizens from countries other than South Africa (applicants who are not South African citizens) should also refer to:
    • Brochure: Newcomer’s Guide 2021, available at click here.
    • Website: click here.
  • School of Tomorrow (SOT), Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) and General Education Development Test (GED): The University of Pretoria no longer accepts qualifications awarded by these institutions.
  • National Certificate (Vocational) (NCV) Level 4: The University of Pretoria may consider NCV candidates, provided they meet the exemption for bachelor’s status criteria and the programme requirements.

Transferring students

A transferring student is a student who, at the time of application for a degree programme at the University of Pretoria (UP) –

  • is a registered student at another tertiary institution, or was previously registered at another tertiary institution and did not complete the programme enrolled for at that institution, and is not currently enrolled at a tertiary institution, or has completed studies at another tertiary institution, but is not currently enrolled at a tertiary institution, or has started with tertiary studies at UP, then moved to another tertiary institution and wants to be readmitted at UP.

A transferring student will be considered for admission based on

  • an NSC or equivalent qualification with exemption to bachelor’s or diploma studies (whichever is applicable); and meeting the minimum faculty-specific subject requirements at NSC or tertiary level; or having completed a higher certificate at a tertiary institution with faculty-specific subjects/modules passed (equal to or more than 50%), as well as complying with faculty rules on admission;
  • previous academic performance (must have passed all modules registered for up to the closing date of application ) or as per faculty regulation/promotion requirements;
  • a certificate of good conduct.

Note: Students who have been dismissed at the previous institution due to poor academic performance, will not be considered for admission to UP.

Returning students

A returning student is a student who, at the time of application for a degree programme –

  • is a registered student at UP, and wants to transfer to another degree at UP, or was previously registered at UP and did not complete the programme enrolled for, and did not enrol at another tertiary institution in the meantime (including students who applied for leave of absence), or has completed studies at UP, but is not currently enrolled or was not enrolled at another tertiary institution after graduation.

A returning student will be considered for admission based on

  • an NSC or equivalent qualification with exemption to bachelor’s or diploma studies (whichever is applicable); and meeting the minimum faculty-specific subject requirements at NSC or tertiary level; or previous academic performance (should have a cumulative weighted average of at least 50% for the programme enrolled for);
  • having applied for and was granted leave of absence.

Note: Students who have been excluded/dismissed from a faculty due to poor academic performance may be considered for admission to another programme at UP.  The Admissions Committee may consider such students if they were not dismissed more than twice. Only ONE transfer between UP faculties will be allowed, and a maximum of two (2) transfers within a faculty.

Important faculty-specific information on undergraduate programmes for

  • This is a selection programme. The closing date indicates the closure of the application process.
  • Life Orientation is excluded when calculating the APS. 
  • Faculty Yearbooks: click here. 
  • All modules (excluding foreign language modules) will only be presented in English, as English is the language of tuition, communication and correspondence. 

1. You will be considered for conditional admission if space allows, and if you:

  • are a Grade 11 applicant (with an APS of 30 or more excluding Life Orientation), please submit your final Grade 11 examination results, and have a National Senior Certificate (NSC) with university endorsement or an equivalent qualification; OR
  • are transferring from other recognised institutions to the University of Pretoria; OR
  • are a graduate or have graduate status from another recognised tertiary institution; OR
  • are a graduate of another Faculty at the University of Pretoria; AND 
  • comply with the minimum subject requirements and achievement levels, as well as the APS requirements of specific programmes.

If you are an applicant from a country other than South Africa, please apply for conditional admission based on your final results equivalent to Grade 11. Final admission is based on the qualification equivalent to the NSC.

2. You will be considered for final admission to degree studies if space allows, and if you:

  • have a National Senior Certificate (NSC) or equivalent qualification with admission to bachelor’s degree studies, and comply with the minimum subject requirements as well as the APS requirements of your chosen programme; OR
  • are a student transferring from another recognised tertiary institution and comply with the programme requirements; OR
  • have graduate status from another recognised tertiary institution or are a graduate of another Faculty at the University of Pretoria.

If you are a citizen from a country other than South Africa or are a student with other qualifications equivalent to the NSC (including school qualifications from other countries, eg Spain, New Zealand, etc), you must obtain a Complete Exemption Certificate or a Foreign Conditional Exemption Certificate based on your international (‘foreign’) qualifications. Certificates can only be obtained from Universities South Africa (USAf) at click here. In addition, these candidates must meet the relevant programme admission requirements.

University of Pretoria website: click here

Minimum requirements
Achievement level
English Home Language or English First Additional LanguageAPS(Grade 11)APS(NSC/IEB completed)

* Students are advised to apply at least two weeks before the closing date.

* To retain admission, you must obtain an APS of at least 28 in the NSC. 

Selection Process

The selection process has three steps:

Step 1: Application at UP

UP applications for the year open on 1 May . You must apply online. The closing date for UP applications for BA (Information Design) is 31 July

Step 2: Application at Information Design

The BA (Information Design) degree entails a selection process. 

Questionnaire and portfolio submission:

  • You will be required to complete an online ID selection form, which consists of question sections and an online portfolio selection.
  • The online ID selection form requires you to answer questions about yourself, including education, personal interests and achievements, motivation for study, etc.
  • The online ID selection form will facilitate the uploading of 8 mandatory portfolio pieces, which comprises 1 x original drawing from observation, 1 x original photograph, and 6 x additional work. The online ID selection form provides detailed information about the format and content of the portfolio requirements.
  • The deadline for submission is 31 July 2021. No late applications will be accepted.

Please refer to the Selection Procedure document, as well as the Selection Criteria document, at click here for more information.

Step 3: Interview video and selection test

You will be notified in August via email whether you meet the requirements of the merit selection process for BA (Information Design). If so, you qualify to continue to the third and final step of the selection process. You will receive an email with details to record a short interview video and complete a test that examines your ability to think laterally, visualise ideas, interpret visual images and communicate ideas in written form. 

If you do not hear from us via email by 17 August 2021, you can assume that you do not qualify for the final round of the selection process; this means that you will not be eligible to submit an interview video and selection test.

Duration of study

4 years, full-time.

Faculty Notes

The Faculty of Humanities provides a holistic education, transferable skills, critical thinking, and communication and problem-solving that will help you develop to your full potential. You will be entering a stimulating environment that will broaden your intellectual horizons and help you achieve personal and professional success through the best possible learning experience.

As the most diverse Faculty of the University of Pretoria, we offer an exciting and comprehensive range of programmes and discipline-based majors, including studies in languages, social sciences and visual and performing arts.