The Bachelor of Nursing degree prepares professionals for general nursing and midwifery practice. Nursing Nurses work collaboratively with physicians, therapists, patients, and families and focus on treating illness to improve quality of life.
The general requirement for admission to study for a degree qualification is a matriculation exemption certificate or a National Senior Certificate endorsed for degree admission.
The standard requirement for admission to study a diploma or certificate qualification is a school leaving certificate with a minimum aggregate symbol E-S, or National Senior Certificate endorsed for diploma/certificate admission.
All students will be required to satisfy any additional criteria prescribed by Senate and/or the Faculties concerned.
Notwithstanding the standard requirements for admission, a non-matriculant may be admitted to a degree or diploma program if he or she has obtained a certificate of conditional exemption issued by the Matriculation Board on the recommendation of the Senate.
It is left to Faculties to take a decision on the equivalence of Degree and Diploma courses are undertaken at other institutions, with the proviso that Faculties will submit recommendations to Senate about the status of such courses.
Applicants with the following qualifications from FET/TVET colleges and/or other technical colleges or institutions may apply:
An N3 with four subjects passed with at least 40% each, plus two official languages:
one of these to be English and to be passed at least on First or Second Language SG or; N4 with four subjects passed with at least 50% each, provided the person can prove communication competence in the language of instruction (English) NCV (L4) pass with a pass rate of 60% and above in 3 fundamental subjects,
including a Language of Learning and Teaching (LoLT) in the higher education institution OR 70% in at least 4 vocational subjects for admission
to a Bachelor’s qualification.
NCV (L4) pass with at least 50% in 3 fundamental subjects, including a Language of Learning and Teaching (LoLT) in the higher education institution OR 60% in at least 4 vocational subjects for admission to diploma qualification.
Admission of Non-South African Students
The admission of international applicants (i.e. students from countries outside the borders of South Africa), to study at any South African university is restricted by the South African Government to persons who comply with certain conditions summarised
as follows:
An international applicant must follow the prescribed admission procedures which include obtaining a valid study permit and a final letter of acceptance from the University.
A copy of the study permit, certified only by the Admissions Office will be acceptable.
A study permit will normally be issued for a period not exceeding the official duration of the qualification and must be renewed after the expiry date.
A study permit will only be valid for the course of study for which the original approval was given. Should the student change his/her course of study, the student must notify the South African High Commission thereof.
Any international student discontinuing his/her studies must notify the South African High Commission accordingly.
A non-South African citizen, who is in possession of a permanent residence permit, need not submit a study permit.
A separate fee structure applies to international students.
Information is available from the Centre for Community and International Partnerships.
Admission of Foreign Non-Matriculated Students: Senate’s Discretionary
Conditional Exemption
A candidate below the age of 23 years of age will be granted Senate’s discretionary, the conditional exemption provided that such a person:
Holds a certificate entitling him/her to unconditional admission as a candidate for a degree or equivalent qualification at another institution, approved by Universities South Africa (USAF) in the country where the candidate obtained his/her school-leaving certificate; or in the case of international applicants, one has to comply with the requirements of USAF as contained in the international qualification document.
Credit shall be given for Afrikaans Special or Sesotho Special or isiXhosa Special provided that:
Such a course may be elected only by students who have not obtained a matriculation standard of 50% in Afrikaans or 40% in an African Language unless the head of the department concerned recommends admission.
A student who has completed a special course may register for Afrikaans I, Sesotho I, or isiXhosa I but credit shall not be given for both Afrikaans Special and Afrikaans I or both Sesotho Special and Sesotho I or both isiXhosa
Special and isiXhosa I.
For postgraduate students, a Faculty Board, on the recommendation of its Higher Degrees Committee may approve admission to postgraduate studies on the basis of RPL or other satisfactory credentials.
Registration of Students
Registration of students takes place at the beginning of the year or semester on the dates reflected in the prospectus, on the University website, and in the press, subject to changes that may be made by the University.
No prospective student may report for registration unless he/she has been notified by the Registrar in writing that he/she has been admitted to the University.
The University is not obliged to register a prospective student unless he/she complies with all the registration requirements.
A student is personally responsible to ensure compliance with all the program and module registration requirements and the
completion and submission of formal documents required for registration as specified in the general/faculty rules.
It is the responsibility of every registered student to have proof of registration and verify its correctness immediately.
A student will be de-registered if:
• The student was registered without meeting all the minimum admission requirements.
• The student was registered through human error.
• The student was registered through fraudulent means.
• The student fails to submit any outstanding document after registration.
A student who cancels all registered subjects/modules is automatically deregistered with immediate effect.
The registration of first-year students is subject to the condition that each student shall submit his or her original matriculation certificate or any other qualification required for admission to a particular course, to the Office of the Deputy Registrar on Campus
for recording purposes on or before 31 August of the first year in which the student is registered.
If registration rules and regulations are contravened, formal disciplinary measures may be applied by the University in accordance with the prescribed Disciplinary Procedures.
All registered students must have student cards.
Admission to the University Campus is by student card and must be displayed by the students on campus at all times.
A student may not register for more than the maximum number of academic credits permitted in an academic year.
No person who has not been registered as a student may attend lectures or avail him/ herself of any privilege whatsoever which may be offered by the institution.
Permission to register at two universities concurrently may be granted by the Dean only if there is no timetable clash in the final year and provided that the course involved in the last outstanding course for qualification purposes.
No candidate shall be allowed to report for registration after the closing date without the written consent of the Council or his/her nominee for such late registration.
An additional late registration fee will be charged.
Students may be required to do extended programs if they fail to satisfy the criteria
prescribed by the faculties concerned in specific subjects.
Such students will be restricted in the number of mainstream courses.
The Council may on the recommendation of the Senate, limit the number of students who may be admitted to any course of study to prevent overcrowding in the lecture rooms and laboratories.
Subject to applicable faculty rules and the applicable provisions regarding payable fees, a student may apply in the prescribed manner and within the period indicated for that purpose on the annual university calendar, to amend or cancel the registration.
No student will be permitted to change his/her course after the due date indicated in the Almanac.
Change of Course Form is obtainable from the Faculty Offices.
All lectures must be attended punctually and regularly.
Where an absence from class is unavoidable, the lecturer should be notified in writing.
A medical certificate is required if a student is absent for more than three consecutive days due to illness.
All students must leave the campus during the Official University Holiday except where other arrangements have been officially made.
Every student must leave the University within 24 hours after completion of the student’s last examination paper.
Students who have achieved a qualification, whether at Walter Sisulu University or elsewhere, will be allowed to register for another program at Walter Sisulu University only if the second qualification is different or on a higher NQF level than the
qualification already obtained.
All undergraduate and postgraduate registrations are valid for one academic year only and a student must register afresh for each year of study.
For example, if the duration of a program is two or more years, a student must register afresh every year of the study period.
Personal and education-related information will remain protected.
The university may disclose personal or education-related information regarding a student to a third party only after the law applicable to the protection of and access to information has duly been complied with.
Departments must ensure that only registered students participate in and submit work for assessment in a course.
No work submitted by an unregistered student may be marked or returned.