How To Fumigate Your House In South Africa?
To fumigate is to spray something with fumes, usually to eliminate pests of some kind. A fume is a type of smoke or other gaseous substance, and fumigation is when fumes are used to treat something. Most of the time, a house is fumigated because it has pests in it.
How To Fumigate Your House In South Africa?
Below is How To Fumigate Your House In South Africa
How to Prepare for Fumigation?
Apply these 4 steps when preparing your premises for fumigation.
- Find somewhere for you and your pets to stay before the specialist fumigators arrive.
- Leave all your inter-leading doors open.
- Seal all foods and consumables properly or remove them from the premises temporarily.
- Rake or sweep any gravel or mulch away from the foundations of your home.
What Steps to Take to Clean After Fumigation Treatment?
Once the fumigators have completed the treatment, there 4 steps you can take to clean your space.
- Vacuum all your soft furnishings.
- You will also need to empty your drawers and cupboards, then vacuum all these spaces.
- Wipe down countertops and surfaces.
- Discard the cloths you used to wipe down the surfaces.
How to Navigate Your Way Around Fumigation Terminology?
What does the acronym ULV stand for?
ULV stands for ultra-low volume treatments. Your pest control service will disperse smaller molecules than the conventional sprays used. The result is deeper penetration in hard-to-reach spots. These are not gases and will still leave a residue. ULV is ideal for tackling flying and crawling pest infestations.
General signs that can that you have a pest problem that can be handled with fumigation
Fumigation is effective against various types of insects. Below we list some common signs that a fumigation might be in order.
- Termite mud tubes might be observed
- Wooden windows, doors and floors that sag
- Dry mud deposits at the door or window joints
- Other wooden structures on the property might have termite damage
- Any wooden structure easily broken
- Faint Noises coming from the walls.
- Ants walking around the property
- Droppings of insects are found inside the property
- Skin Sheds of insects are found inside the property
- Egg capsules and sacks are found inside the property
- Smear marks of cockroaches
- Unpleasant odour coming from dark difficult te reach areas.