Where Can I Register My Business In South Africa

Where Can I Register My Business In South Africa

Company registrations are handled by the Companies and Intellectual Property Registration Office(link is external) (CIPRO).

Information about company registrations is available under the Government Services section in all official languages.

How much does it cost to register a business in SA?

The company registration cost in South Africa varies based on the type of business entity and other factors such as the size of the company, and legal and professional fees. The general cost of company registration in South Africa can range from ZAR 2,000 to ZAR 50,000, depending on the type of business entity.

What platform is used to register a business in South Africa?

BizPortal is a platform developed by the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) to offer company registration and related services in a simple seamless digital way that is completely paperless.

What documents do you need to register a business in South Africa?

Basic Requirements for registering a company in South Africa

  • Register your company.
  • Tax Verification.
  • Tax clearance certificate.
  • A BEE certificate or Affidavit.
  • UIF registration.
  • COID registration.
  • A business bank account.

How long does it take to register a business in SA?

Company registration can take anything from about 5 days to about 5 weeks depending upon the type of company and the ability of the client to provide all of the necessary information and signatures. By far the simplest and quickest is a (Pty) Ltd.