Sunflower Seeds Suppliers In South Africa

What is a Sunflower Seed?

Sunflower Seeds Suppliers In South Africa

Foshan Mafrika Stock And SuppliesWe are suppliers of BEST QUALITY Sunflower seeds and looking for serious buyers in need of our products, contact us for more details.

What is the best time to plant sunflower seeds in South Africa?

Farmers plant sunflower seeds between November and January, while harvesting happens between late April and mid-May. Between 2009 and 2021,

the average area under sunflower cultivation in South Africa was 552,000 ha, with a mean production of 715,000 t/year over this period.

How long do sunflower seeds last for growing?

If you’re saving the seeds to re-plant, store them in an airtight container in a cool, dry place until you are ready to plant.

Label the container with the variety and the date you harvested. The seed will last for years if stored this way.

Where do sunflowers grow best in South Africa?

Almost 80% of South Africa’s sunflower production is concentrated in the North West and Free State provinces.

Soils should be sandy loam, with a clay percentage of less than 20%. Farmers plant sunflower seeds between November and January, while harvesting happens between late April and mid-May.

How much sunflower does South Africa produce?

Sunflower is the third largest grain crop produced in South Africa after maize and wheat. For the period between 2011 and 2020, an average of about 

760.6 thousand tons of sunflower seed were produced per annum while the gross value was approximated at 3.6 billion Rand per annum.

Is sunflower farming profitable in South Africa?

According to Dr André van der Vyver, of the South African Cereals and Oilseeds Traders’ Association,

 hectares under sunflowers have reduced over the past few years due to a decline in profitability compared with other commodities: “The increase in maize yields far exceeds that of sunflower seed.