Blood Alcohol Kits Suppliers In South Africa

What is a Blood Alcohol Kits?

The Blood Alcohol Collection kit is used to take a sample of blood from an individual, whether they are suspected of a crime, or they need to be tested for intoxication.

Blood Alcohol Kits Suppliers In South Africa

How do you collect BAC?

These include blood, breath, saliva, and urine tests.

How long does it take to get the BAC result?

As highlighted above, blood test results can be received as early as 10 days after the testing is complete. It may take longer to receive results, however.

In some cases, it may be a few weeks before one’s blood alcohol content is determined by a blood draw. This is to the convicted individual’s advantage!

How is BAC expressed and how is it measured?

A BAC describes the amount of alcohol in a person’s blood, expressed as the weight of alcohol per unit of volume of blood.

For example, 0.08 percent BAC indicates 80 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood. For most legal purposes, however, a blood sample is not necessary to determine a person’s BAC.