How Many NGOs In South Africa

What is NGO?

A non-governmental organization or non-governmental organization is an organization that generally is formed independent from the government. 

How Many NGOs In South Africa

There are an estimated 200 000 NGOs in South Africa and in 2015, there were just over 140 000 registered NGOs.

What are the biggest NGOs In South Africa?

Lawyers for Human Rights.


Mvula Trust.

Southern Africa Trust.

Southern African AIDS Trust.

Ubuntu Education Fund.

Other NGOs.

International NGOs with offices in South Africa. ActionAid.

What is the benefit of NGOs In South Africa?

NGOs are visible, respected, and entrenched in part of many societies. The successes of the NGOs in 

providing health care, education, economic opportunities, and human rights advocacy to millions of people, show diversity in terms of their organizational form, structure, and culture.

Which other NGOs in South Africa are very effective?


International Knowledge Management.


Khulisa Social Solutions.

Lawyers for Human Rights.


Mvula Trust.

Southern Africa Trust.