How To Grow Oat In South Africa

Below is How To Grow Oat In South Africa


Crop Rotation Group

Miscellaneous ●


Any average, well-drained soil.


Full sun.

Frost tolerant

Oats are a cool-weather crop that can tolerate frosts


None generally needed, especially when oats are grown with nitrogen-fixing green manures such as winter peas, winter beans or hairy vetch.




Single Plants: 10cm (3″) each way (minimum)
Rows: 10cm (3″) with 10cm (3″) row gap (minimum)

Sow and Plant

Sow in late summer to grow as a green manure that forms its own mulch when it is winterkilled, or when using oats as a companion crop for slower-growing legumes. Oats also can be grown as a spring green manure to increase soil organic matter. Broadcast seed into cultivated soil so that the seeds are about 7 cm apart and 1 cm deep.

No thinning is required. Increase spacing to 20cm apart when growing oats with other green manures.
Our Garden Planner can produce a personalized calendar of when to sow, plant, and harvest for your area.


Oats are an ideal late-summer green manure. Cut it down and leave the dead residue to form a winter mulch, which is usually well rotted by spring.


Young oats can be turned under anytime. In mild winter climates, oats should be mowed and tilled before seedheads appear in late spring.


Rotting oat foliage has herbicidal properties, in that it inhibits the germination of weed seeds. Always wait 3 weeks before sowing seeds into the soil where oats have been turned under.

Planting and Harvesting Calendar

Want to find out when you can plant this in your garden? We use historical data from your local weather station to calculate the best range of planting dates for your location (see example planting calendar below).

Can you grow oats in South Africa?

Because of its wide planting spectrum and adaptability as well as high biomass production, oats are suitable for all regions of South Africa. be planted and all production practices optimized as shown in the cultivar tables.

What conditions do oats need to grow?

An upright, annual grass, oats thrive under cool, moist conditions on well-drained soil. Plants can reach heights in excess of 4 feet. Stands generally fare poorly in hot, dry weather.

What is the best fertilizer for oats?

Where wheat or oats follow corn, sorghum, or rice, application of 15 to 20 pounds of nitrogen per acre in the fall may be beneficial. Spring Topdressing: Nitrogen is a necessary nutrient for the growth of wheat and oats.