How Much Does IT Cost To Hire A Security Company In South Africa

What is a Security Company?

A private security company is a business entity that provides armed or unarmed security services and expertise to clients in the private or public sectors.

How Much Does IT Cost To Hire A Security Company In South Africa

The price depends on the selected security guard’s duties, e.g. patrolling, detecting and fighting off an intruder, alerting armed response, and investing disturbances. You can reduce costs by automating certain duties. Security guard costs range between R10,000/month and R30,000/month with an average of R20,000/month.

Can a foreigner own a security company in South Africa?

On 28 September 2021, the Private Security Industry Regulation Amendment Act, 2014 received assent. Among other issues, the Amendment Act introduces a requirement that private security companies be owned and controlled by at least 51% of South African citizens, subject to derogation.

How big is private security in South Africa?

As of the end of 2022, there are close to 2.7 million registered security guards in the country, with 586,042 currently employed (active).

Which security grade is the best in South Africa?

The lowest grade for security grading officers in South Africa is grade D, with the highest being grade A.