What is Tasting Cigarette?

Best Tasting Cigarettes In South Africa
Which cigarette has the best Flavour?
1 Marlboro.
2 Camel.
3 Lucky Strike.
4 Pall Mall.
5 Newport.
6 Winston.
7 Kool.
8 Benson & Hedges.
Which cigarettes last the longest?
American Spirits last longer than any other. This is because they don’t have saltpeter added to make them burn.
Leave an AS in the ashtray for a minute and it goes out. When this happens, I recommend clipping the charcoal tip off with small scissors so as not to inhale charcoal gas.
What is the highest-selling cigarette brand in South Africa?
RG brand, produced by Gold Leaf Tobacco Corporation, took the number one spot in sales in the research, outselling all other brands and defeating even
Peter Stuyvesant has been the leading brand in South Africa for decades. Researchers found that 89% of RG retails for less than R17.