Imperial Logistics South Africa Contact Details

What is Imperial Logistics?

Imperial is your Gateway to Africa and have an international reach through our Market Access and Logistics solutions.

Imperial Logistics South Africa Contact Details

Telephone: +27 11 372 6500.

Who is the CEO of Imperial Logistics in South Africa?

Hakan is the CEO of the Logistics International business. Previously, he was the CEO of Imperial

International BV & Co KG. Prior to this, Hakan was chief commercial officer at CEVA Logistics

How many branches does Imperial Logistics have in South Africa?

We have 23 depots around the country in convenient and accessible locations. 24/7 service nationwide: We offer the reassurance of a 24/7

breakdown and technical assistance service, supported by our very own national network of service centers and panel workshops.

Is Imperial a South African company?

Founded in 1948 as a motor dealership in Johannesburg, and listed on the JSE in 1987, 

Imperial Holdings evolved into one of the country’s largest diversified multinational groups.