Doctor is a professional who practices medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining or restoring health through the study, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of disease, injury, and other physical and mental impairments.
Find below are the list of Doctors In South Africa
House Call Doctors
Life Brenthurst Clinic
Dr Braun – Plastic Surgery Johannesburg
Dr Mumtaz Bera
Dr. I.M. Bham
Dr SE Saad
Dr Nadia Kana
Doctors On Call – Mobile Medical Services
Dr. M .Somwe
Surgery- Dr MN Govind
Dr.S. Harryprasadh
Dr. Frans Human
Dr Michael Setzer and Associates
Lister Clinic Johannesburg Dr. Maphisa & Partners Inc.
Life Flora Hospital
Wits Donald Gordon Medical Centre
Dr.Z. Bham
Dr PR Van Onselen
How many doctors are there in South Africa?
This note shows that contrary to officially quoted sources that state that there are 36,9123 doctors practising in South Africa, we find evidence of only 27,432 doctors practising in total (17,802 general practition- ers (GPs) and 9,630 specialists).
What types of doctors are there in South Africa?
An Overview of Specializations
General Physician.
Emergency Medicine.
How do I verify a doctors practice number in South Africa?
Where to check it
Go to the Health Professions Council of South Africa’s website:
Click on the area marked “access to the i-register”
This will take you to a query dialog that interfaces directly with the database of registered professionals.
What are the names of doctors?
Specialty doctors
Allergists. An allergist or immunologist focuses on preventing and treating allergic diseases and conditions.
Infectious disease doctors.
Who is the richest doctor in South Africa?
Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong
The World’s Richest Doctor, Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong has pledged $210 million to help South Africa produce its own vaccines against Coronavirus and other diseases. He was born in South Africa. He owns Los Angeles Times and San Diego Tribune.