Hypnotic Or Soporific Drugs commonly known as sleeping pills, are a class of (an umbrella term for) psychoactive drugs whose primary function is to induce sleep (or surgical anesthesia) and to treat insomnia (sleeplessness).
This group of drugs is related to sedatives. Whereas the term sedative describes drugs that serve to calm or relieve anxiety, the term hypnotic generally describes drugs whose main purpose is to initiate, sustain, or lengthen sleep. Because these two functions frequently overlap, and because drugs in this class generally produce dose-dependent effects (ranging from anxiolysis to loss of consciousness), they are often referred to collectively as sedative–hypnotic drugs.
What Are Sleeping Pills Used For?
In general, these medications act by working on receptors in the brain to slow down the nervous system. Some medications are used more for inducing sleep, while others are used for staying asleep. Some last longer than others in your system (a longer half-life), and some have a higher risk of becoming habit-forming.
What Are The Types Of Sleeping Pills?
Prescription sleeping pills are stronger than over-the-counter ones. You need a prescription from your healthcare provider to get these pills.
Types of prescription sleeping pills include:
- Antidepressants.
- Benzodiazepines.
- Z-drugs (Ambien® and Lunesta®).
Pills To Sleep In South Africa?

How Efective Are Sleeping Pills?
Studies show that sleeping pills aren’t that helpful in promoting a good night’s rest. Most people who take sleep aids fall asleep about eight to 20 minutes faster than those without medicine. On average, you might get an additional 35 minutes of shuteye.
Generally, sleep aids should be for short-term use. They may be most helpful if a stressful life event, such as a divorce or death in the family, is keeping you awake.